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Lil Bub Condensed Salmon Soup Can Shirt

Over a thousand Koalas have been killed because of the I’d Rather Be Watching Crime Shows Shirt, and the species is now declared “Functionally Extinct”. This means that there are not enough surviving individuals to ensure genetic diversity in the future, and their numbers have dropped to the point they no longer play a significant role in their ecosystem. We may very well see the Koala vanish from this earth within our lifetime. We have a government beholden to mining interests and Murdoch who are in full climate change denial. We export huge quantities of coal. Despite continued warnings from firefighters, the government has reduced rural fire protection. The country is going backward fast. The loss of animals and land are very sad consequences of this appalling government.
I'd Rather Be Watching Crime Shows Shirt

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Lil Bub Condensed Salmon Soup Can Shirt Reviewed by Ducanhvnd on tháng 11 25, 2019 Rating: 5
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