Noticed that those who don’t fight for the Master Yoda To The Hand You Tal Because Listening I Am Not Sweater days holidays better working conditions. Additional pay raises don’t refuse them. Treating commuters as hostages of this blackmail is very low to put it diplomatically. If they don’t like the job – quit, and look for a better one. Easier said than done I know, but at least one doesn’t act like a lowlife. I have a ticket booked for London on Saturday. I have an email that says strikes are on Monday to Friday. I have checked with the ticket office he had an email saying the same. My point is why isn’t this fact mentioned on the news or have I missed it on the 4 or 5 reports I have heard.
Master Yoda To The Hand You Tal Because Listening I Am Not Sweater And Shirt
Having used trains when nationalized and unions had carte blanche this was a regular occurrence plus trains were generally dirty and late. I traveled between London and Winchester last week and was astonished to find a ten carriage train with a guard and a refreshment trolley. For those complaining about strikes causing disruption, that’s the Master Yoda To The Hand You Tal Because Listening I Am Not Sweater. If they didn’t cause disruption to the rail companies they would be pointless. Furthermore, the people on strike also have their lives disrupted, on strike means fewer wages close to Christmas.