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Youthful And Energetic With A Nice T-shirt To Say Hello To The New Day

Youthful And Energetic With A Nice T-shirt To Say Hello To The New Day Shirt

The Youthful and energetic with a nice T-shirt to say hello to the new day! In an apocalyptic, desolate city, a young man named Bhu struggles to raise his sick dog, Lucy. Phan, the owner of a local pizza shop, takes pity on Bhu and supplies the meat Lucy needs so she can survive. But what exactly is in meat? And how far is Bhu willing to go to save his dog? Bhu walks the dog five times a day and this requires his attention. An overweight bulk dog breed, she spends most of her time playing slugs on a cheetah-shaped pillow, breathing in and out of shallow shallow snorts.

Always he needed to be careful not to overburden her when he lifted her up to her prosthetic limb leg. Her name is Lucy. There is no need to hold her leash as she squeaks up and down the cracked sidewalk, although Bhu keeps an alert watch for black dogs roaming the streets, aggressive dogs working in the herd. and barking with a smart dictionary and the Youthful and energetic with a nice T-shirt to say hello to the new day! The door to Bhu's apartment is about to open. Inside, squirming in the nose, the woman with blistering lips, a tall man in a down jacket and others. Bhu Rib's belongings were smashed and scattered on the floor.
Youthful And Energetic With A Nice T-shirt To Say Hello To The New Day Reviewed by Ducanhvnd on tháng 4 01, 2020 Rating: 5
All Rights Reserved by best for t-shirt © 2017
Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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