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Husband Papa Protector Hero Old Shirt

Not sure since it changed owners a few years ago if it’s still that way, but they sure cleaned up the place from the old trader bar vibe it had going. I read that for a jack and coke, they fill the entire glass with jack and hand you a can of coke. These guys are going to get so much business from this story they’re going to go out of business LOL. This is on the Board of Trade building. Those traders (what’s left of them) are a thirsty bunch. Can confirm it’s still the same – booze in the glass, mixer served on the side. I miss the floor. Its already at max capacity by 4-430 during after work hours on Thurs/Fri, so not really going to change anything. and anyone in the loop whos the type whos going to be slamming hard liquor during their “lunch” has already been going there for a long time lol. Used to be able to get a to-go cup as well. At 7,8,9am, too. Oh, the stairwells… That takes me back. When I visited, they poured liquor by topping the bottle completely vertically, no pouring spout or anything.

Husband Papa Protector Hero Old Shirt Reviewed by Ducanhvnd on tháng 6 22, 2020 Rating: 5
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Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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