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Funny Marvel Spider Man Tis The Season To Be Amazing Ugly Christmas Shirt

There’s a certain level of myth-making that goes hand-in-hand with the luxury fashion produced by heritage brands. To make collections in the image of a maison’s enigmatic founder—well, that person must be painted as iconoclastic, intriguing, and innovative at the least. At Chanel, there is plenty to rhapsodize about from Coco Chanel’s own life of drama and decay, as well as from the near-40 year work of Karl Lagerfeld. The brand’s current artistic director Virginie Viard, the longtime right hand to Lagerfeld, has kept a relatively low profile in terms of press, limiting her exposure out of respect for her famous forebears. It was like a dream. It was a Chanel fantasy dream for me. Then just to be in the studio, where Virginie was putting the looks together and I was working with the set team. The shows, the sets are incredible, what they can build in the Grand Palais, so it was really exciting to work with their team. I had always loved those images of the stairs, the old days at Rue Cambon with Coco standing on the Funny Marvel Spider Man Tis The Season To Be Amazing Ugly Christmas Shirt , watching, and women in the audience on little ballroom chairs, the models coming so close. It really had an intimate feeling of how they used to show them, so we wanted to bring that spirit back. We built Coco’s stairs in the Grand Palais and tried to keep the audience close to the models, so you had that feeling of the clothes being close by you.

Funny Marvel Spider Man Tis The Season To Be Amazing Ugly Christmas Shirt

Funny Marvel Spider Man Tis The Season To Be Amazing Ugly Christmas Shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt

Funny Marvel Spider Man Tis The Season To Be Amazing Ugly Christmas Shirt hoodie
Buy this shirt here: Funny Marvel Spider Man Tis The Season To Be Amazing Ugly Christmas Shirt
Funny Marvel Spider Man Tis The Season To Be Amazing Ugly Christmas Shirt Reviewed by Ducanhvnd on tháng 7 17, 2020 Rating: 5
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