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Keep Florida Great Don’t Californicate Florida Shirt

There has been a lot of conversation between my friends and peers—part of us really wishes that this pandemic was not happening right now. And it’s almost like, Why did it have to happen right now? Like, could I just be a little older or a little younger? Or could this just have not happened right now? Regardless, when I’m 25 or 45, I’m going to want to remember my own quarantine—being next to each other all the time and almost killing each other. But it was also kind of fun. The Keep Florida Great Don’t Californicate Florida Shirt challenge for me is the fact that I am now 18 years old and this summer was supposed to be the summer that I really branched out and did a lot of fun things with my friends. But because of COVID, I can’t really leave the house, I can’t really do much. Nothing is open. And it’s just a safety hazard, you know? So it’s really sucky because this was the last thing I would have hoped to happen for my senior year of high school before I go off to college.

Keep Florida Great Don't Californicate Florida Shirt
Keep Florida Great Don’t Californicate Florida Shirt

Keep Florida Great Don’t Californicate Florida Shirt, hoodie, tank top, sweater and long sleeve t-shirt

Keep Florida Great Don't Californicate Florida Shirt hoodie
Buy this shirt here: Keep Florida Great Don’t Californicate Florida Shirt
Keep Florida Great Don’t Californicate Florida Shirt Reviewed by Ducanhvnd on tháng 8 20, 2020 Rating: 5
All Rights Reserved by best for t-shirt © 2017
Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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