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He wins or loses with equanimity that positions him as a gentleman. He represents his family and country very well in sports. Congratulations. Trump pos is the Lawless One. Believing himself to be Supreme and above the Maximum Effort Jumpman Air Jordan Shirt. The United States has descended into autocracy under Trump. Furthermore, he’s done this in less than 3 years. You blow up your own country to invade another under false pretenses just to take what isn’t yours, kidnapping people and locking them in concentration camps because it’s illegal to enter your country but at same time you’re literally entering every other country illegally, you constantly make up false threats like apparently Putin is aqua man and can speak to dolphins, trump has purposefully pissed off all other world leaders to make himself seem like a big man and that he’s king of the world, you literally constantly threaten everyone with nukes, and yall are a bunch of racist dicks


Source: Maximum Effort Jumpman Air Jordan Shirt

Maximum Effort Jumpman Air Jordan Shirt Reviewed by Ducanhvnd on tháng 12 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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