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Star Wars 43rd anniversary shirt

Goodness, it is sad to see the Star Wars 43rd anniversary shirt comments about Greta on this thread. I presume none of you have children so don’t care about the future. How selfish of you. Is she ever going to go back to school? Well, I hope her parents don’t drive don’t have a tv don’t have a phone don’t have electricity, etc. Come on we all know whats going on. It doesn’t take a script to tell us all. If she stopped being an angry kid shouting at everyone and voiced her points eloquently I’d listen to this girl. Until then it’s a no from me

Star Wars 43rd anniversary shirt and sweater

Star Wars 43rd anniversary shirt
Star Wars 43rd anniversary shirt
Instead of focusing on this one angry child being stage-managed how about focusing on the Star Wars 43rd anniversary shirt and hungry children of the world who would love to have a fraction of the childhood this advantaged girl has. She’s getting tedious. She has pretty much single-handedly brought this issue to the attention of the entire world. She’s a leader and other kids listen to her. It takes time, which we don’t have, to turn away from life around. Someone has to be the person leading the way.


Source: Star Wars 43rd anniversary shirt

Star Wars 43rd anniversary shirt Reviewed by Ducanhvnd on tháng 12 04, 2019 Rating: 5
All Rights Reserved by best for t-shirt © 2017
Edit: T-Shirtat | Shared By: PICTURESTEES

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